Patriot Health Team

Meet the team who can introduce reliable sellers with real product, excellent customer service, top level professionals using HIPPA level security, easy to navigate technology for onboarding buyer groups into a stress free experience in the procurement of PPE products.


We manage PPE without stress or drama

Patriot Health Team

Meet the team who can introduce reliable sellers with real product, excellent customer service, top level professionals using HIPPA level security, easy to navigate technology for onboarding buyer groups into a stress free experience in the procurement of PPE products.


We manage PPE without stress or drama

Do We Have Public Sellers?

We own website platforms which offer OTG opportunities (which disappear quickly) and distributors who list consistently available product. We invite the general public to visit these sites.

Get Access to a Private Platform

Most seller's don't want to be listed on the Glove Report. Some of our sellers prefer to remain anonymous. Request access by filling out our inquiry form here.

Can We Partner Together?

We partner with titleholders, buyers and brokers (manufacturers, shippers, traders, truckers) to build market cohesion and stability. Click to connect with our network.


Our company which is family operated, seven machines and two eight hour shifts, can make 35 million masks a month. We know how to make masks. We do not know how to find good buyers. We were overwhelmed and discouraged by the drama in our sales department. In August of 2021 we signed a contract to give the Patriot Health team the exclusive right to sell our products. Now we focus on making the masks and PH invests their energy in selling the masks.   

We used to pay one staff member full time to do NCNDAs and vet potential buyers. That was overwhelming and seldom led to a sale as there are too many tire kickers. Lots of people claim to have money, but after getting the walk in our warehouse their real goal is to go find a buyer. Now, Patriot Health manages the front end of our sales process and brings us vetted buyers who are ready, willing and able to transact. 

As a buyer we would approach a new seller every week. Brokers would tell us a story about how solid the sellers were and convince us to send an LOI/LOA/ICPO/KYC/AML/ATV into a long broker chain. We have no idea how many times our paper was shopped. Shopping paper happens when a broker sends our documents in multiple channels looking for a real seller. These Channels rarely found a real seller. Sometimes the broker would try to monetize our paperwork as a proxy seller to secure product and jack up the price. We stopped all that. Now we use Patriot Health and that exhausting chase is over. 

A Funny PPE Song for Brokers

If you know the author, please tell me. He called me once and said he laughed to hear his song on my website, but I didn't capture his name to give him credit. I would like to link to him.

A Philosophy

We believe the industry of PPE can be enjoyed. Seriously. It is our belief that with joy and comradery we can unite around a common mission to all thrive together. The industry itself desperately needs corporate structures to organize our collective success and sustainability. After months of waiting and wishing for someone else to step forward, Patriot Health has stepped up to be that steadying hand. We know that offering to lead means we will become a target, yet we hope to inspire and lead by our example.

We invite you to join us.

Why Us?

Patriot Health was founded by a handful of professions: an army chaplain, an anesthesiologist and a marketing marketplace leader. We all started in this space at the beginning of the pandemic. We failed more than we succeeded. While we failed to transact, we were very successful in our relationship building. Our business partnerships grew and through the journey we have discovered a brotherhood/sisterhood. We are stronger together. Our network has grown and our list of friends has increased. As we look into the Fall of 2021 we believe we have never been stronger or better positioned to win in this market. Please reach out and introduce yourself. We look forward to your inclusion.

Patriot Health LLC Does NOT Own Title

We heard a rumor that people on WhatsApp were saying that Patriot Health was a titleholder. We are not. Please help us correct this misconception.

Who is Patriot Health?

Patriot Health is a growing team of professionals in the PPE space. Almost all of us are mandates to at least one seller. We connect sellers and buyers. We manage lots. Our team includes authorized mandates, contracted facilitators, lawyers and titleholders. Does Patriot Health own product? Not yet.

Please do not address your ICPO or other documents to us. We will send it back to you and remind you that we are not a titleholder. This is very important because we never want to misrepresent our position in this market.

Since we are mandates to a growing list of sellers we do manage the onboarding process. You can start an order using our NCNDA request form at

Finally, you will not find a more unified team within the PPE space. We operate without adrenaline or a spirit of crisis, we take the weekends off, generally, and we really like the people in our team.

If you would like to pursue a closer relationship with us then please call Tony Locke at 770-940-9959 and ask about our programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Fifty-four. One to provide the wrong email for the NCNDA, one to forget to sign the NCNDA, one to accidentally decline the NCNDA, one to demur. Five to research for a spec sheet, one to illegally update the dates on the documents, one to forget to schedule the Zoom meetings, one more to forget to start the Zoom on time, five to create another WhatsApp group on the same deal, three to make butt calls using WhatsApp Group, two claiming to have vetted the buyer, two claiming to have vetted the seller, seven claiming to be the mandate, eighteen to argue over the IMFPA commission structure, and twenty eight to misrepresent their place within the broker chain to completely screw up the lightbulb.